JAKARTA Lockedford, California is one of the initial testing zones for Amazon's Prime Air drone service. Prime Air is a drone delivery service for delivering heavy products within 30 minutes. This service has been operating for two years at Lockedford, but will soon be shut down by Amazon. The company said briefly that, "We have also taken the decision to close our delivery location at Lockedford." There is no explanation whatsoever regarding the decision, including the reasons behind the closure of its services at Lockedford. Amazon only says that they will continue to serve the community at Lockedford with another delivery method. This closed drone delivery service will cost a number of employees their jobs. It seems, that will not happen because Amazon plans to offer new job opportunities for employees affected at Lockedford.

"Thank you to the community for all their support and input over the past few years. We will continue to make deliveries at the College Station, Texas and will open more locations in the US by 2025", Amazon said.Next, Amazon announced that it will provide Prime Air services in the West Valley of the Phoenix Metro Area, Arizona.Drones for this new location will be deployed from facilities near the Same-Day delivery site, to be precise on Tolleson. Currently, Amazon is still waiting for operating permits from the FAA and local officials. If Prime Air delivery services have obtained the permit, the service will launch by the end of this year and target West Valley as the first location. "Currently we are working with the US Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) and local officials on Tollerson to get all the necessary permits to make this delivery on Tolleson," Amazon said.

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