YouTube Will Take Firm Action On Advertising Service Provider Applications
YouTube blocks ad blocking (photo: dock. pexels)

JAKARTA Since late last year, YouTube has been trying to get rid of users who use third-party apps to block ads. They take firm action by issuing various policies. Previously, YouTube only prevented users of advertising blocking services from using their accounts. Now, YouTube is explicitly targeting applications that provide ad blocking services. Through Community pages, YouTube says that it has strengthened law enforcement for apps that provide ad blocking services. They insist that the service has violated YouTube Service Requirements. "We want to emphasize that our requirements do not allow third-party applications to disabling ads because this prevents content creators from getting a reward for its broadcast," said a YouTube team representative.

YouTube also emphasizes that third-party apps can only use APIs for approved purposes. If anyone takes advantage of the YouTube API to provide ad blocking, the company will take firm action. "We only allow third-party apps to use our APIs when they follow our API Service Provisions, and when we find applications that violate these provisions, we will take appropriate action to protect our platforms, creators, and viewers. "At the moment, ad blocking users will find it difficult to use their account. When they want to watch videos on YouTube, they will experience a buffering problem or see a message, "The following content is not available in this application." If users want to address these two issues, they should disable applications or advertising blocking services first. However, if the account is still unusable, users will have to switch to Premium services.

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