JAKARTA - Holiday season has arrived, and at the same time as the holiday spirit, online fraudsters are also increasingly active. One of the frequent scams is when purchasing travel tickets and hotel reservations. Many individuals take advantage of the moment to commit fraud. Quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 13, Kaspersky shares a number of tips on avoiding online scammers to make trips during the holiday season more secure and comfortable. First, when buying travel tickets and booking hotels and apartments, use only websites that have a good reputation. If possible, buy tickets directly on the sites of the airline concerned. Maybe it's a little more expensive, but always more secure. Then, don't be fooled by promises of cheap rewards or prices that don't make sense. Always suspect that you don't fall into a scamper's trap. In addition, check carefully the address of the site that is opened. Check repeatedly the URL of the page before entering any important information there, such as usernames and passwords, payment card numbers, and others. Never share reservation numbers with anyone, or upload ticket photos with specific codes on social media. A few days before the date of departure, check all the bookings made for the trip.
If there is a problem with reservation, it is better to solve it first, not at airport check-in tables, hotel receptions or otherwise. Finally, use reliable antivirus with built-in protection against online fraud and phishing on all devices, such as Kaspersky Premium. This will give you an early warning about sites to avoid.
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