Assistance For 2021 Kemendikbud Internet Data Quota Distributed, Here's How To Get It
Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim (doc. Kemendikbud)

JAKARTA - Good news for lecturers, students, students, teachers and parents. The reason is, the government plans to continue internet data quota assistance in 2021. It is planned that the assistance will be held for three months. Starting in March.

In the 2021 Internet Data Quota Assistance Announcement which was broadcast live through the Ministry of Education and Culture's YouTube channel, the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim said that assistance would be distributed on the 11th to 15th of every month.

In addition, based on public input, this free internet data quota will be used as a general quota. This means that it can be used to access all pages. Like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

"Except for websites and applications that have been blocked by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo)," explained Mendikbud Nadiem Makarim, quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Thursday, March 4.

Based on the data displayed on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture, there are four types of internet data quota assistance that have been prepared. Each type has been tailored to the needs. Dosan and students each get an internet quota of 15GB / month.

Cara mendapatkan bantuan kuota data internet (YouTube Kemdikbud RI)

"PAUD students get 7GB per month, students at primary and secondary education get 10GB per month, PAUD educators and primary and secondary education get 12GB per month," explained Nadiem.

Nadiem also explained the criteria for educators and students who received assistance. Namely those who have received quota assistance for the period November to December 2020.

Therefore, education unit leaders do not need to upload SPTJM (Statement of Absolute Responsibility (SPTJM) for those who have received assistance from November to December.

"Also whose numbers are still active. Automatically, they will receive quota assistance in March 2021. Unless the total quota usage is less than 1GB, "said Nadiem.

How to Get Kemendikbud Internet Data Quota

Nadiem said that every student at PAUD up to secondary education level must be registered in the basic education data application (dapodi). In addition, students must also have an active cellphone number in the name of the student, parent, family member or guardian.

This is a requirement for students to get free internet quota submissions. Meanwhile, students who want to get an internet quota must be registered in the higher education database application (PDDikti).

"Has an active status in lectures or is completing a double degree and has a Study Plan Card in the current semester and has an active cellphone number," said Nadiem.

Rincian bantuan Bantuan Kuota Data Internet 2021 (Kemdikbud)

Teachers, who teach in PAUD to secondary education, must be registered in the dapodik application and have an active cellphone number. As for lecturers, they must be registered in the PDDikti application and have an active status.

Quoting the information in the document 'Study Quota Program Handbook for Students, Student Teachers, and Lecturers', participants whose numbers have changed or have never received assistance can also get their rights during this period.

However, shipments can only be processed in April. The reason is, prospective recipients must first report to the head of the education unit. After that, the leadership updates the SPTJM for new or changed numbers through the page.

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