JAKARTA Google Podcasts, a dedicated platform for listening to audio broadcasts, has been closed in the US. The app can still be opened, but Google will provide a message that their service is no longer available. Information about the closure of this app has been shared since last year. In September, the company provided a preview that it will end Google Podcast services. Three months later, they made clear the closing date of the app. They said that Google Podcasts would not be available after April 2 and this policy was already in effect. With the deletion of Google Podcasts, fans of popcast now should switch to the YouTube Music app. Reportedly, the Google Podcast closure plan has appeared since 2021 because the Google Podcast writing closed has been cross-sectioned several times in the application. However, there are no signs of app closing to Google updating the YouTube Music app.

Since the beginning of last year, YouTube Music has gained podcast support in the US, then expanded to various countries. Google continues to add features related to the podcast, but its features are not as good as the Google Podcast app. This is not surprising because Google Podcasts are designed for one purpose, while YouTube Music combines the ability to listen to music and broadcastpodcasts. Therefore, UI from Google Podcasts is much better. Until the Google Podcast closes, YouTube Music still doesn't have the Mark Already Played feature and new episode notifications. Chances are, this feature is still being developed and will be launched in the next few weeks or even months.

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