IOS 18 Will Present Two Updates For Apple Maps
Illustration of Apple Maps update (doc. Apple).

JAKARTA - The operating system from the iPhone, iOS 18, is still being developed by Apple. However, some leaks regarding its latest features have been revealed, one of which is a new feature for the Apple Maps application.

First reported by MacRumors, Apple will add two updates to its digital map. The two updates are the creation of a special route in the United States and add the latest topographic maps.

Making a special route is a new way for iPhone users to plan their specific travel route. With this feature, users don't need to follow the advice of Maps because they may know the route better.

The special route creation feature on iOS 18 is designed so that users have complete control over the details of their travel route. If users want to rely on Maps' recommended route, they only need to use the application as usual.

Furthermore, Apple will also add a topographic map that has been on Apple Watch since last year. When releasing the feature on watchOS 10, Apple said that the topographic map will feature contours, hill shadowing, to altitude details.

"Users can also search for nearby lane paths and end with a place card containing detailed information, such as path length, type, and difficulty levels," Apple wrote in a watchOS update.

These two new features appear to be ready to launch because MacRumors has seen a code change in the Maps app. However, it is possible that these two features will not be launched on iOS 18, but in the next OS update.

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