JAKARTA - Kaspersky's latest analysis found a decrease in the percentage of attacks targeting Operational Technology, or OT computers to 31.9 percent in the second half of 2023.

This finding also states that over the past year, the spread of attacks via the internet has become the main source of cyber risks to OT computers, which is 18.1 percent, and followed by client emails of 4.0 percent.

"Although the general exposure to OT Global infrastructure to cyber threats decreased in the second half of 2023, industrial companies must continue to strengthen their defenses and remain ahead of the growing threat," said Evgeny Goncharov, head of ICS CERT Kaspersky.

To keep your OT computer protected from various threats, Kaspersky experts recommend the following tips:

First, carry out regular security assessments on the OT system to identify and eliminate possible cybersecurity problems.

Second, cybersecurity experts Kaspersky appealed to companies to establish a sustainable vulnerability and triage assessment as the basis for an effective vulnerability management process.

Selanjutnya, jangan lupa juga untuk melakukan pembaruan tepat waktu untuk konten-komponen utama jaringan bekerja perusahaan, menerapkan perbaikan dan patch keamanan atau menerapkan langkah-langkah kompensasi sesegera mungkin untuk mencegah insiden besar.

Kaspersky also recommends companies to use the EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) solution for timely detection of sophisticated threats, investigations, and effective incident remediation.

Finally, increasing responsibility to advanced new dangerous techniques by building and strengthening the prevention, detection, and response skills of incidents in your team.

"Special OT security training for the IT security team and OT personnel is one of the main steps to help achieve this," Kaspersky concluded.

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