Threads Presents HDR Image And Video Support On Google Pixel

JAKARTA Threads, an Instagram companion application, now supports Ultra HDR image uploads and 10-bit HDR videos. These two supports are only available on Pixel, Google-made Android mobile device.

This feature was first seen on March 4. However, like the findings of 9to5google, this feature only exists on Instagram. It seems that, because Threads is part of Instagram, this application also gets an update.

This HDR photo support was added quietly because Google did not mention any of the changes. On the official list of the Play Store, Threads was last updated on March 8, but the change log only mentions an increase in work.

This HDR image and video support is not only added to the upload system. The technology in this image is also added to the content view. However, the feature only works on certain Pixel devices.

Currently, images of Ultra HDR and 10-bit HDR videos are only available in the Pixel 7 series, Pixel 8 series, and Pixel Fold. Apart from these three types of devices, HDR support will not be operational because the system requires compatible devices.

To use this feature, users must activate the feature first. Open the Google camera application, then open Settings and click More Settings. After that, click Continue, open Ultra HDR and select enable it.

Meanwhile, to enable the HDR feature in the video, open the Google camera application and open Settings. Next, click HDR 10-bit and activate the feature. During video recording, users will be limited to 30 fps in 1080p and 4K UHD.

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