YOGYAKARTA - Along with the development of the chatbot era, it continues to develop to facilitate human work. This time we will discuss the types of chatbots, let's see the discussion below!

The image of users is growing, and the strategic implementation of various chatbots is very important to remain the first in the world of competition. This time we will discuss what types of chatbots and their functions are.

Chatbot Understanding

The name chatbot is a virtual robot / figure conversation service with AI (artificial intelligence) that mimics human chat via voice messages, text conversations and both. In terms of chatbots, this is a virtual chat where one party is a chat robot that aims to create entertainment facilities. This chatbot feature has been used in various industries to convey information.

Not only that, chatbots can also carry out tasks, such as the latest weather coverage (weather bot), after which it helps select and mix foodstuffs (grocery bots), helps carry out flight reservations, helps provide solutions for something (life advice bots) and bots as friends for conversation. Chatbots use a variety of advanced technologies in it, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP).

Machine learning can be applied as a machine that studies, analyzes and understands various languages in chatbots, while natural lenguage processing (NLP) has the expertise to understand and master human language and then react according to the language used by chatbot users.

Chatbot types

1. Linguistic-Based Chatbot

This chatbot can provide well-designed control and has a level of flexibility that is not in AI chatbots. This type can think about and process relevant answers to a question and design automatic testing to check the quality and consistency of the system. This type uses pattern adjustment methods.

2. Machine Learning

This type uses artificial intelligence software technology support aka AI. This type of bot looks complex because it is communicative, based on data and also predictive. The type of technology used in this bot is usually more sophisticated and easily personalized compared to linguistic-based bots.

The technology imposed in this type of bot is natural language understanding (NLU) so that it can be adjusted to the user. The method used in this bot is concrete, one example of the type is WhatsApp chatbot.

3. Hybrid model

This type of chatbot is designed by combining both linguistic and AI technology. So this chatbot can provide a more detailed conversation solution. This hybrid bot system is even able to be formed without using data so that it will increase the company's strength, which is more flexible and fast.

4. Voice Command Model

Modelan bot jenis ini bisa membuat penggunanya untuk melakukan percakapan menggunakan perintah suara. Hal ini terasa lebih persektis untuk pengguna mengambilkannya. Bot ini bisa menangkap dan merespon pembicaraan dengan suara.

Talking about various types of chatbots, of course, you also need to read: 'Baidu Will Implement Ernie Bot Chatbot to Improve User Experience in Online Search'.

So after knowing the types of chatbots, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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