JAKARTA - After Presidential Regulation on Publisher Rights was ratified by President Joko Widodo, the Press Council is currently forming a committee to ensure the obligation of digital platforms to support quality journalism.

Based on Presidential Decree Number 32 of 2024, members of the committee ideally will contain 11 people, including 5 representatives from the Press Council, 5 others from the recommendations of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, and 1 representative from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

"So, two days after its issuance (Perpres), we have created a task force, made procedures for how the committee runs, the selection committee to recruit members of the contingent, and there is no interference from the government here," said Yadi Hendriana, Chairman of the Commission for Complaints and Ethical Enforcement of the Press Council at the Merdeka Barat 9 Forum on Friday, March 1.

In carrying out his duties, Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria also emphasized that this committee would become an independent committee at work.

"The committee also makes mediation efforts if there is a dispute between the publisher and the digital platform. So this committee is set to be independent in work," said Nezar.

The tasks of this committee are in accordance with Article 11 of the Presidential Regulation Publisher Rights, among others:

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