JAKARTA - In the midst of technological onslaught, especially the entry of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, forces all companies and employees in it to take advantage of this technology to make work flow more efficient.

In fact, there are several professions that can already be done or assisted by the presence of AI, including journalists, programmers, coding, teachers, and even Human Resources (HR).

In a seminar held by Jobseeker with the theme Leverage HR-Tech to Scale-Up your Business, CEO of Jobseeker Company, Chandra Ming revealed that the presence of AI can facilitate HR work or recruiters.

In the past, recruiters needed to create and install their own ads, now with the presence of AI, companies can directly create ads automatically.

One artificial intelligence that can replace our routine procedures at HR. Used to look for advertisements for vacancies in newspapers, copy, edit. Now the one who wrote the vacancy advertisement is AI," Chandra said in his presentation on Thursday, February 29.

Nevertheless, Chandra emphasized that there are certain HR tasks that cannot be replaced by AI, such as intuition. Thus, AI will only speak about how HR makes choices.

"There are parts that AI has not been able to reach, for example, intuition is not yet. So all of these big data we can use to enrich the way we conduct judgment in recruitment," he added.

So that in the end, Chandra emphasized that whether or not the presence of this AI will return to each other.

"We want to consider this technology as something that will replace us, which makes us afraid, or we follow this technology," concluded Chandra.

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