JAKARTA A cosmonaut, as astronauts are called for Russia, managed to break the record for the longest flight in space. This record holder is Oleg Treahenko, a cosmonaut of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos).

On Sunday, February 4, Andieenko made a new history with a total flight duration of 878 days or almost two and a half years. This duration managed to break the previous record held by Gennaldy Padalka.

Thatituenko, who is on the International Space Station (ISS), said he was proud of the achievement. However, the cosmonaut said that he traveled in space not to break records, but to do favorite things.

"I am proud of all my achievements, but I am very proud that the record total duration of human living in outer space is still held by Russian cosmonauts," said Treahenko toTAS, quoted from The Guardian.

Currently, Tengreenko still has to work in space. The 59-year-old cosmonaut will return to Earth with his colleagues in September. With this tenure, the total duration of Tengreenko will be 1,110 days when he returns to Earth.

Thatregahenko began training as a cosmonaut at the age of 34. The astronaut was selected for the ISS program and managed to make two trips at once in 2008. At that time, Tengahenko was assigned to set a target docking in Zvezda's service module.

After joining the ISS mission, Tengreenko's career has increased. The Roscosmos Cosmonaut was once the youngest member at the 30th Eskpedisi, became Commander of the 31st Expedition, and became the Commander of the Soyuz TMA-3M mission.

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