Apple Launches Vision Pro Headset, Threatens Television And Computer Domination
Apple CEO Tim Cook, when launching the Vision Pro Headset, (photo: x @tim_dook)

JAKARTA - Apple's newest Vision Pro headset, with a price of US$3,500 (Rp55 million), has arrived at the company's physical store in the United States. This headset presents three-dimensional digital content that combines real-world views, allowing users to change how to watch television at home and use computers at work.

With special computing capabilities and difficult-to-produced display, Vision Pro is a serious competitor in the market which is generally filled with products at lower prices than Meta Platforms, HTC, and others, which are currently more focused on the video game market.

Despite coming with superior technology, Vision Pro still faces challenges from app developers. Netflix, one of the most popular consumer video apps, says it won't create a new app for Vision Pro. YouTube hasn't commented yet, while Spotify is reportedly not developing a dedicated app for this product.

Walt Disney has teamed up with Apple in developing apps for Vision Pro, providing unique viewing experiences with popular films such as "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" and "Avengers: Endgame". Famous filmmakers such as Jon Favreau and James Cameron are also interested in telling new stories through this platform.

Although Vision Pro isn't expected to be a best-seller quickly, analysts call it a potential successor to traditional television and Mac computers. With only scheduled to produce about 1 million units, Apple looks unsure that consumers will immediately buy without needing to be convincing through direct demonstrations. However, the high price of this headset may not be a big obstacle for business buyers.

Jay Wright, CEO of Campfire, a startup that makes software for virtual collaboration with headsets, states that Vision Pro is not an ordinary consumer device like Apple Watch, but is a new computing platform that is more similar to what comes after Mac than after iPhone.

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