JAKARTA - Last December, Google launched the Gemini Pro to Bard in English. But now, Google is bringing Gemini Pro on Bard to more than 40 languages and more than 230 new countries and territories, including Indonesia.

"Because we know people want the ability to strengthen Bard's response, we're also expanding our re-check of features, which are already used by millions of people in English, for more than 40 languages," Google wrote in its official blog quoted Friday, December 2.

In addition, Google also introduces image-producing tools into Bard in English for free. This new capability by Model Imagen 2, designed to balance quality and speed, results in high-quality photorealistic output.

With this tool, you just need to type in a description like'make a dog image riding a surfboard'. After that Bard will produce broad and custom visuals to help bring your idea to life.

"Consistent with our AI Principle, image generation is designed with responsibility in mind. For example, to ensure there is a clear difference between visuals made with Bard and original human artwork," the search giant added.

In addition, Google also confirmed that Bard uses Synthed to embed digitally identified watermarks into image pixels produced by its AI.

"This update makes AI's Bard collaborators more helpful and globally accessible to everyone, from big and creative projects to smaller and daily tasks. Try today at bard.google.com."

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)