JAKARTA - A South Korean customs employee received an award from his service for successfully thwarting an attempt to smuggle crypto mining machines into the country. The machines are worth about $1.4 million and are intended to mine virtual currencies such as bitcoin.

The employee is So Min-seop, a Supervisor at the Incheon Airport Area Customs and Excise. He found irregularities in customs documents accompanying shipments of goods from abroad. He then checked the containers containing the goods and found hundreds of unregistered and unreported crypto mining machines.

So reported his findings to superiors and helped uncover a network of crypto machine smuggling involving several people. He also contributed to uncovering other smuggling cases, such as drugs and illegal gambling. He showed careful and professional information analysis skills.

For his achievements, So received an "commissioned person" award in the "special customs" category from the South Korean Customs Office. The award was given at a ceremony held on January 31, 2024. A customs official at the airport said that So is an example for other employees who are dedicated to customs administration.

The smuggling of crypto machines is a form of crime related to digital assets that are rampant in South Korea. The country is one of the largest crypto markets in the world, but also faces regulatory and surveillance issues. The South Korean government has taken steps to eradicate illegal crypto activities, such as drug sales, money laundering, and tax evasion.

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