Two Shortages Found In Apple's Vision Pro Made
Lack of Vision Pro devices (photo: dock. Apple)

JAKARTA In accordance with the introductory video released by Apple, Vision Pro is indeed a very sophisticated device. However, behind its sophistication, this technology still has a number of shortcomings.

Based on the 9to5mac report, there are two unpleasant things about the spatial computer technology. These two shortcomings are related to the Safari application and the main screen display featuring the lineup of applications.

Beberapa platform besar seperti Netflix, YouTube, hingga Spotify tidak akan hadir dalam bentuk aplikasi asli di perangkat Vision Pro. Jika pengguna ingin mengakses platform tersebut, mereka harus membukanya melalui situs web.

Unfortunately, Safari forvisionOS 1.0 does not support web-based application creation. This will be quite a hassle because users have to open a continuous crowd just to open unavailable apps.

The next flaw that Vision Pro users may not like is an irreversible main screen display. The system Apple is developing doesn't allow users to compile a lineup of apps on the main screen.

Automatically, the lineup of apps will be sorted by alphabet. The main screen page only displays 13 apps so users have to swipe across the page to search for apps if the alphabet doesn't start with the initial letters.

Opening one page at a time is an inefficient activity. It would be better if users could sort the app according to their preferences so they don't have to swipe the page to find their favorite app.


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