JAKARTA - The British GCHQ spy agency warned on Wednesday January 24, that the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) devices will only lead to increased cyber attacks and lower barriers for less skilled hackers to digital damage.

The lower entry barrier is likely to also contribute to a global increase in ransomware attacks, in which criminals encrypt computer systems for digital ransom. This was conveyed by the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC), which is part of GCHQ, in a report.

AI will almost certainly increase volume and increase the impact of cyber attacks in the next two years. However, the impact on cyber threats will be uneven, "the report reads.

The report suggests that the biggest improvement in capabilities for malicious actors in cyberspace will be owned by opportunist hackers who do not always have the skills needed to carry out high-level attacks.

At least, the report says, the use of generative AI tools such as chatbots can help create more convincing emails or documents used in online phishing campaigns.

"At a further level, hackers backed by countries with higher capabilities will be better placed to capitalize on the potential of AI in advanced cyber operations against networks, for example used in the generation of advanced malware," the report said, referring to malicious software and computer viruses.

Intelligence agencies around the world are dealing with potential security concerns associated with algorithms that can generate human-like interactions - referred to as large language models, or LLMs, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, which is integrated by companies in a variety of services, including customer sales and services.

The security implications of AI are still in focus. Authorities in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada say they have seen hackers take advantage of this technology.

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