Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi visited the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board in order to strengthen cooperation related to community digital education.

In this meeting, Kominfo and PBNU discussed several collaborations, including education and digital literacy involving MSMEs and universities from Kominfo.

"And it is no less important that Kominfo's commitment to support the digital transformation of NU that we are currently working on, and that will involve millions of administrators and joint Ulama throughout Indonesia," said PBNU General Chair Yahya Cholil on Thursday, January 18.

Budi also added that this meeting was held because Kominfo believed that NU had a big responsibility for Indonesia's progress.

"So, I told Mr. kiyai earlier that digital Indonesia only materialized if NU was digital," said Budi at the same time.

Because according to him, this collaboration is part of the ADM government's efforts to realize the 2045 Indonesia Digital Vision (VID), where the challenges of digitalization in the future will be even more complex.

"The progress and disruption of technology is extraordinary. So that our readiness as citizens of the nation is very necessary," he added.

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