JAKARTA Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2024 in Las Vegas introduces a variety of new technologies, from devices for personal needs, companies, to safeguarding.

There are several environmentally friendly technologies to fight climate change such as water pumps to deal with drought, pollution detections in waterways and oceans, to filtering technology to catch plastic fiber during floods.

Reporting from HT tech, the first technology to be exhibited is a water pump from the air. This technology was created by a global company called Genesis Systems. This device is considered very effective for supplying water when water scarcity occurs globally.

Next, there are pollution detectors in waterways and oceans created by MolluScan, a small French company. This technology can find out the level of pollution through the sea shell because it uses a molluska-based pollution detector or soft-bodied animals.

Furthermore, there are several companies that use recycled materials for technology purposes. Forvia, a supplier of car equipment from France, creates organic fuel using hemps, wood, pineapple, and other environmentally friendly materials.

In addition, a company called Matter made filtering technology to catch plastic fibers that is so small that it makes flooding dangerous. Usually, these fibers come from wastewater used in washing machines.

Finally, Ambient Photonics makes solar cells capable of charging from indoor lighting to reduce battery demand. This technology will reduce the use of single-use batteries or recharged batteries.

Those are some of the environmentally friendly technologies exhibited at CES 2024 for four days, from January 9 to 12. Make sure to follow the latest articles from VOI so you don't miss other interesting articles.

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