GRIME Game To Launch For Nintendo Switch On January 25
Clover Bite generalizes the release date of GRIME (photo: Nintendo)

JAKARTA - It's been a long time since the Clover Bite first announced that GRIME will launch for the Nintendo Switch in 2021. Now the developer has confirmed its launch date.

In a post on Steam, Clover Bite revealed that GRIME will launch on January 25 for the Nintendo Switch.

As a Definitive Edition, the launch includes basic games and all free DLC including Colors of Rot, Tinge of Terror, and Parting Shade (which launched for all platforms on the same day).

Parting Shade is the last free DLC for 2D Metroidvania, which takes adventurers to a hidden path at Weeping Cavity's peak.

Further details have not been disclosed, maybe you still have to wait before the launch. Meanwhile, GRIME is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC.

Following the launch of Parting Shade, according to Gamingbolt, the development team will focus on GRIME 2, which is currently being announced for PCs.

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