JAKARTA - Udemy, a leading online learning platform, released a Global Learning & Skills Trends 2024 report, which reveals the most attractive skills that are predicted to form a future work in 2024 and beyond.

Based on more than 15,000 Udemy Business users, this annual report highlights the important investment that organizations need in preparing the workforce for the future.

"Our data shows that organizations are making substantial investments to improve employee abilities in the field of a generationative AI to increase productivity, strengthen technical skills, and develop more resilient leadership," said Stephanie Stapleton Sudbury, President of Udmy Business.

To help overcome this gap and form a more adaptive workforce, Udemy highlighted three important investment areas that the company needs to focus on, including:

Ability to navigate rapid skill change (skills).

Udemy noted, the skills needed for a job increase by about 10 percent each year. This encourages many business leaders to shift to more practical strategies with emphasis on developing and validating skills, not just relying on previous titles or work experience.

Adapting to the progress of a generating AI.

Experts estimate that a generative AI could replace up to 23 million jobs in Indonesia by 2030. On the other hand, along with the increasing number of companies using this new technology, a generative AI is expected to create up to 23 million new jobs by 2030 in Indonesia.

Therefore, many companies are trying to train employees to use generative AI, integrating this technology into their daily work routine.

Develop a strong leader.

Workers are currently experiencing enormous pressure due to constant changes, ranging from increasingly permanent hybrid jobs to the emergence of a generating AI and a growing skills gap. Thus, it is very important for organizations to invest in leadership development, especially for mid-level managers, to avoid the risk of digital transformation of their organization.

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