JAKARTA - The Clubhouse social media network is being loved by Indonesian citizens. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) reminded Clubhouse to register Electronic System Operators (PSE) if they don't want to be blocked.

"This registration process is a normal process, like business registration. This registration is intended for the benefit of Indonesian citizens and a healthier digital space, such as those related to personal data protection and cyber security", said Kominfo Spokesman, Dedy Permadi, in a statement the press, Thursday, February 18th.

This statement from Kemenkominfo responds to issues circulating regarding the Clubhouse audio chat application, which has not been registered in Indonesia. In this statement, Kemenkominfo stated that Clubhouse was not registered in Indonesia.

"Clubhouse has not been registered with Kemenkominfo and we hope to be able to register in accordance with the provisions in the Minister of Communication and Information Regulation Number 5 of 2020", said Dedy.

Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 5 of 2020 concerning Private Scope Electronic System Operators, applies to PSEs that provide, manage or operate communication services, with products such as short messages, voice calls, video calls, electronic mail and social media.

"In accordance with PM 5/2020, every PSE (Electronic System Operator) is required to register with the government", said Dedy.

Platforms, including Clubhouse, are required to register within six months of the promulgation of the rules on 24 November. The electronic platform still has a deadline until May to register with Kemenkominfo.

If you do not register within the given time period, based on PM 5/2020, the platform will be given administrative sanctions in the form of terminating access to the application.

"Citizens do not need to worry because the PSE registration process has been, is currently, and will run until the deadline", said Dedy.

The Clubhouse application is being liked by netizens in various countries, including Indonesia, the popularity of the application has skyrocketed after Tesla CEO Elon Musk has an account and creates content.

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