JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information officially launched the Vision Indonesia Digital (VID) 2045 document, which contains recommendations for the policy direction and national strategy in the digital sector.

With the launch of VID 2045, Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi hopes that it can be a reference for all stakeholders in carrying out digital transformation in Indonesia.

The launch of this strategic document was carried out with the Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto, and Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan on Wednesday, December 13.

Documents include the Main Plan for the Development of Indonesia's Digital Industry compiled by the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) as well as the 2030 Indonesian National Digital Economy Development Strategy White Book issued by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs in early December.

"All these documents are good efforts that should be appreciated. Furthermore, how can the implementation be carried out in synergy and collaborative manner," Budi said in his official broadcast.

Budi also added, VID 2045 offers alternatives to enrich existing efforts and strategies, by highlighting the use of digital technology in a productive and directed manner.

VID 2045 describes the analysis of the identification of relevant issues, the development of technological trends, opportunities, and considerations of economic, social and cultural impacts in the implementation of digital transformation.

Digital Indonesia Vision Document 2045 can be downloaded via the 2045.id digital site

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