JAKARTA - At the end of last October, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology claimed to have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN).

This agreement is intended to maintain the neutrality of ASN during the 2024 election in the digital space. Where, this agreement prohibits ASN from liking or taking any action against election campaigns on social media.

"Because ASN is just doing it. It is forbidden to like campaigns on social media. Therefore, at the end of October there was an MoU between KASN and the Director General of Aptika," said Director General of Information and Public Communication Usman Kansong at a press conference for the launch of the digital book Pemi Pemi Pemi Pemilan Pedia on Monday, December 4.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics has also created a report site for anyone who sees and wants to report directly, if there are ASNs who violate, and will be given sanctions, in accordance with the severity of the violations made.

"So the punishment or sanction for ASN has been regulated in the Law on ASN. So there is a new law on ASN. The punishment can even be from administration to crime. It depends on what kind of violation," explained Usman to the media.

Not only the community, even ASN themselves can also report if they are disturbed by candidate pairs (paslon), to side with them.

Even ASN can report, if for example he is being teased, he is provoked to side with one of the candidates. So like the case in Central Java, it was ASM who reported it. Because he was mobilized, being teased, to side with one of the candidate pairs," he explained.

It has been a week since the 2024 election campaign period, Usman admitted that the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has not yet received reports of violations committed by ASN.

"Nothing yet. There have been no findings and no reports yet, which went through the cooperation earlier. If the report to Bawaslu may already exist," he concluded.

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