JAKARTA - The Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, and a fast and stable WiFi connection is very important to carry out various online activities.

However, often we face problems with WiFi speed, such as slow connections or weak signals. As one of the leading digital infrastructure companies in Indonesia, Biznet revealed a trick in increasing the WiFi speed at home.

Position The Router Properly

The first step you need to take to increase the WiFi speed is to ensure that the router is properly placed. Place the router in an area that is open and free from physical obstacles, such as thick walls or large electronic equipment.

Place routers strategically in the middle of your home to ensure better signal coverage throughout the house. In addition, place routers on a high surface, such as tables or shelves, so that signals can spread further and reach the upper floor better.

Update Router Firmware

Firmware is a software running on your router and controls the device's function and performance. When manufacturers release new firmware updates, they usually also make improvements and speed improvements.

Protect WiFi Networks With Strong Passwords

If your network is not protected by a strong code, irresponsible foreigners or neighbors can access your network and reduce your internet speed. Make sure you use a complex password, and use a powerful encryption method, such as WPA2 or WPA3, to secure your WiFi network.

Set Routine Restart Schedule For Routers

One simple way to increase WiFi speed is to set a regular restart schedule for your routers. By restarting routers regularly, you help clear caches and remove remnants that can affect device performance.

Limit The Number Of Connected Devices

In order for the WiFi speed to increase, consider limiting the number of devices connected simultaneously, especially if you feel that the connection becomes weak when multiple devices are used.

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