What Is Game Console? This Is Understanding To Examples
Illustration of game consoles (photo: dock. Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA The game console is one of the game's tools that is now increasingly in demand. This device relies on technology in which there are various games that players can play. Then, what is the real game console?

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) the term console in the context of games refers to the control unit that can be used by users to communicate with computers. Understanding game consoles in general can also be interpreted as video games played with game console devices. These devices must be connected to television or other types of monitors to display images and sound or sound.

The monitor will display the type of game stored on a game console that functions as a control. The console must also be connected to a controller or commonly called a joystick. The controller is used by humans as a command medium or to control the game. There are various buttons in the form of a direction button or button with another function.

Quoted from the sciencedirect site, the game console is actually a computer because it consists of a hard drive and operates with a special operating system from the manufacturer. Consoles are also able to store information and can work according to the user's orders within certain restrictions.

The development of the game console began around 1972. At that time, televisions that functioned as passive devices were changed to more interactive. The first launch of a video game console called Magnavox Odyssey.

The Magnavox Odyssey console has a simple game that can be played by humans. The resulting graph is still very simple and even still monochrome. While the controller used is also simple with the play button.

Currently, many technology companies produce game consoles. Each game console product has different characteristics and games. Examples of popular game consoles are as follows.

Nintendo is a Japanese-based technology specialist. The company was founded in 1889, but they managed to produce the first video game console in 1977 via Color TV-Game. Until now, Nintendo continues to produce game consoles of various types, one of which is Nintendo Wii.

Sega is one of the console game brands that is also popular. Even Sega companies are quite considered in the game industry. One of the products that Sega has succeeded in producing is the Genesis Sega which brings up to 42 games and everything can be played by humans.

PlayStation (PS) is a very well-known game console product. This console is produced by a company called Sony Interactive Entertainment. In the PS console there are various types of games ranging from adventure, racing, to war. Until now, Sony is still producing PS game consoles. The latest PS version is PlayStation 5.

Apart from what is a game console, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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