Strengthening The Game Streaming Business, Sony Interactive Entertainment Acquires ISIZE
Sony Interactive Entertainment Acquisition of ISIZE (photo: Sony)

JAKARTA - Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) announced that it has signed an acquisition agreement for iSIZE, a UK-based company that specializes in in-depth learning for video delivery.

"isIZE is building an AI-powered solution to provide bitrate savings and improved quality for the media and entertainment industry," wrote Ueli Gallizzi, SVP, Future Technology Group in its official announcement on Thursday, November 2.

Sony To Acquire AI-Powered Video Delivery Company iSIZE #Sony #iSIZE #SonyInteractiveEntertainment #PlayStation #PS5 #PS4 #News

Sony did not disclose the value of this acquisition. However, they hope that iSIZE will provide their expertise in implementing machine learning for video processing, which will benefit Sony's various Research and Development (R&D) efforts, as well as video and streaming services.

"founded in 2016 and based in London, iSIZE has a team of talented engineers and technical experts who have developed a series of software solutions to optimize videos," added Gallizzi.

Previously, iSIZE was known to have built an AI-based perception preprocessing solution that would allow conventional third-party encoders to produce higher-quality videos with much lower bitrates.

Through this acquisition, with a very professional iSIZE experience it is hoped that it can play an important role in Sony's plans to improve its gaming streaming capabilities and PlayStation Plus.

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