JAKARTA - Google is introducing a new feature to help small businesses or MSMEs, which allows sellers to identify themselves with new small business attributes in Search and Google Maps.

Later, products in Search and in Maps sold by businesses with these attributes will have the label 'Small business'. So that it will make it easier for buyers to find it.

"We will automatically add small business attributes to the list of several traders based on factors such as the number of products they offer, the number of locations they have, or how much web traffic they get," Google said in its announcement, quoted Thursday, November 2.

However, you or other business owners can remove these attributes at the Merchant Center or through your Business Profile at any time.

Furthermore, starting this week, Google is launching Product Studio, a set of Google AI tools to help sellers create and manage their product image, to all Next Merchant Center users in the US.

With AI-backed Product Studios, traders and advertisers will be able to take advantage of AI's text-to-image capabilities to create a new product image for free, simply by typing the image commands they want to use.

This feature can be used for simple tasks, such as changing the background color of the product image or it can also be used to ask for a product to be displayed in certain scenes.

This feature is almost similar to the feature on Amazon that allows sellers to ask Amazon's AI to put their products where they are ordered.

Production Studio is starting today, and will be available at the Next Merchant Center and Google & YouTube app on Shopify.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)