JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) noted that the number of crypto investors in Indonesia as of August 2023 had reached 17.8 million people.

Responding to this momentum, Chief Operating Officer (COO) Reku Jesse Choi revealed that the company's efforts to seize opportunities are amid the increasing number of crypto investors in Indonesia.

This illustrates the great public interest in crypto assets. This public interest also motivates Reku to be consistent in strengthening positions and forming a more literate and wise community to invest," said Jesse in a written statement received.

With market conditions continuing to dynamic in various investment sectors, Jesse believes crypto assets are a positive choice of investment diversification for the public.

Jesse explained, in addition to providing easy, transparent and secure crypto investment access, Reku is also committed to supporting the community in the importance of diversifying investment portfolios.

According to him, apart from being an alternative investment, crypto assets can also be used for short, medium and long-term investors. For this reason, Reku also strives to maintain a position as an exchanger with a high liquidity level.

"With high liquidity, Reku ensures that users can easily make transactions and invest, in the midst of market dynamics and as an effort to Reku in maintaining the integrity of user transactions," he added.

More than that, Reku continues to strengthen the value of its platform, by providing competitive transaction costs which are also offset by international standard security.

"Because user safety and comfort remain Reku's priority. Included in the coin selection process, Reku carries out a very selective qualification process by evaluating several criteria before crypto assets are traded for investors," added Jesse.

Jesse emphasized that Reku's all efforts are in line with the vision of inviting investors to invest wisely, especially in choosing exchangers who are really serious about prioritizing user transparency and security, which complys with regulations.

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