Reasons To Install Dashboard Camera To Be Safe On The Road!
Illustration of the dashboard camera (PCMag)

JAKARTA - Accusing each other, arguing, and fistfighting often occur when driving on the road. Installing a video recording device or dashboard camera (dashcam) can be a solution and a savior from such an unfortunate situation.

It is undeniable that the many cases of traffic accidents require strong evidence, so not just accusing each other on the streets to create a jam. Dashcam is like a black box on an airplane that can record video while you are driving.

"Dashcam has the main function for security. This means that if an incident occurs there are eyewitnesses who we can really believe to be evidence", said Director of Marketing Blackvue Indonesia, Rudy Ham, as quoted from detikoto.

The use of dashcam can also prevent drivers from becoming victims of blackmail. For example, when someone pretends to be hit by a car and then demands compensation.

This kind of thing can be avoided, considering that dashcam can record events that occur outside the car. Given the quality of video and image recording is the main requirement of Dashcam.

Even some dashcam brands have also recorded images up to 4K resolution so that night vision technology is embedded when driving at night. Finally, the videos that are recorded can also be uploaded back to social media for various purposes.

"We usually also share social media as well. So we can share with each other what happened, there are rare incidents, severe accidents, no witnesses can take from it, funny events especially now in the social media era", he concluded.

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