JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology is collaborating with the State Electricity Company Institute (ITPLN), to prepare superior and competent Indonesian talents in the digital field, on Wednesday, October 11.

Secretary-General of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Mira Tayyiba stated the commitment of the Ministry of Communication and Information to continue collaborating with various parties, in order to meet Indonesia's needs of nine million digital talents.

"In the future, let's jointly strengthen collaboration to make national programs a success in the field of communication and informatics, as well as improve the education quality of human resource development and community service," he said in the signing of the MoU between the Ministry of Communication and Information with IT PLN, citing his release.

Mira hopes that through this memorandum of understanding, both parties can equip digital talents with technical and non-technical skills to become more capable and competent.

"Through strengthening the 4C aspect, namely critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication are expected to be able to prepare human resources and digital talents who can manage and take advantage of digital transformation," he said.

Tidak lupa, Sekjen Kominfo itu juga memberikan apresiasi kepada semua pihak, terutama sivitas ITPLN yang mendukung upaya Kementerian Kominfo mewujudkan transformasi digital yang inklusif, memberdayaan dan berkelanjutan.

According to him, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics is accelerating digital transformation by expanding access and development of digital infrastructure as well as digital applications as well as preparing human resources or digital talent.

Secretary General Mira also explained the Ministry of Communication and Informatics' efforts to compile a Vision Indonesia Digital 2045 document, which contains strategies to support Indonesia into three major countries in the world.

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