JAKARTA - The Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft finally landed in Kazakhstan at 18.17 WIB. With this landing, the three crew of the International Space Station (ISS) finally officially ended its orbit mission.
Quoted fromSpacenews, the three crew members who returned to Earth were US Aviation and Antarctic Agency (NASA) Astronaut Frank Rubio and Roscosmos Cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin.
The three of them had been in the spotlight some time ago. The reason is, these astronauts and cosmonauts set the longest recorded on the ISS, especially Rubio as a single record-breaking.
Rubio has unknowingly broken a single space flight record for American astronauts with 371 days, beating Mark Vande Hei's record for 355 days.
Initially, the three ISS crew were planned to carry out a mission for six months, but things didn't go as planned. After the Soyuz MS-22 they were driving experienced a cooling leak in December 2022, all three were asked to stay on the ISS.
Rubio himself stated that he never wanted to stay for a year in space, but this mission was already his duty despite his own psychological challenges.
"Psychological factors are more than a factor I expected, but once again, only having a really good team around you is a great help," Frank said when interviewed after a record-breaking.
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