YOGYAKARTA There are many things to consider when you want to buy a new television, one of which is the size of the TV. Too large or small size for a room can provide an unpleasant viewing experience.
Therefore, it is important to adjust the size of the TV to the room that will be used to put it. So, how to choose the size of the TV according to the room area? Come on, see the full information below.
Summarized from various sources, here are some tips for choosing the size of the TV according to the section area:
Before buying a television, think about where you want to put the televise. If you plan to put the TV on your shelf or TV table, you may be limited by the size of the surface.
However, if you intend to hang up the television, think about how high it is to hang up and how far it is from the ceiling, wall lis, or other furniture.
If you want to put it on the TV table, you need to consider the existing TV seat size.
The width of the television table sats is generally the same length as that of the TV's feet. However, the width of the TV is often longer than that of the TV table. This will look unbalanced or proportional.
According to the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), the TV screen must meet 30 degrees of your vision. This means that you can calculate the ideal TV screen size by measuring the distance between your seating and the planned placement location of your television.
If you are lazy to do complicated calculations, you just need to multiply the seating distance with where the TV is placed (in inches) with 0.625.
For example, you plan to hang up about 80 inches of television or about 6.5 feet from the area to watch, so the recommended TV size for SMPTE is 50 inches.
The large size of the TV does not necessarily have better image quality. If you are a large TV with a small budget, the image quality will be disrupted.
It will be more useful if you choose a smaller screen size, but the quality of the image is premium.
TV resolutions include things to consider when choosing TV. 4K television (3840 x 2160 pixels) can be hung at a closer distance from where to watch TV. You can sit two to three feet closer than the recommended distance for television 1080p.
A narrow point of view can provide an unpleasant viewing experience, especially if more than one person is watching from a different point of view.
Therefore, choose television with a wide perspective, so that you can enjoy the image comfortably from various positions.
That's the information on how to choose a TV according to the room area. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.
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