JAKARTA - Kaspersky Safe Kids' new study revealed that 61 percent of children had their first digital devices between the ages of 8 and 12, to play, make friends, watch, and so on.

In addition, Kaspersky also revealed some of the most common applications and content used by children in the period June - August 2023.

"There's no doubt, children know the world's mainstream trends in movies, books, games, etc., but at the same time they also have an unusual world, maybe a little strange from an adult's point of view, and it's very interesting to review and explore" commented Anna Larkina, a web content analysis expert at Kaspersky.

To ensure children have a positive online experience, Kaspersky recommends, as parents, to:

- Involve yourself in your children's online activities from an early age, make it a norm so you can guide them about online security practices.

- Consider downloading parental control apps and discussing this topic with your child to explain how the app works and why it is necessary to stay safe online.

- Make conversations about cybersecurity more fun and interesting by discussing the topic with your child through games and other entertainment formats.

- Try paying attention to your own habits. Do you use your smartphone when eating or chatting? See if there is a child's pattern that imitates your habits? Are their reactions different when you save your phone?

- Finally, ask your child not to approve any privacy arrangements and without help from you. Adults should get used to reading all privacy agreements.

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