JAKARTA - The American Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) alluded to the opportunity to grant a license for SpaceX's megarocket Starship launch.
This was conveyed by FAA Administrator General totaling Trottenberg, after a conference on Wednesday, September 13. Trottenberg alluded to discussions between the FAA and SpaceX which are going quite well to date.
"We are working well with them and have had good discussions. The teams are working together and I think we are optimistic (suggesting licenses within) the next few months," Trottenberg said.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk had stated that his company's megarocket Starship was being prepared to depart. The large rocket is just waiting for approval and a license from the FAA, according to Musk's confession.
However, the license is not necessarily given quickly according to Musk's wishes. The reason is, Starship has a number of problems after the first flight some time ago.
Thanks to a number of issues that occurred shortly after the first flight, the FAA made a list of 63 corrective actions SpaceX needed to resolve. The new FAA will grant a launch license after that completion.
In addition, SpaceX still has to get separate approval from the United States and Wildlife Service (FWS). In a statement to Reuters, Trottenberg did not say how long SpaceX was waiting for the approval.
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