YOGYAKARTA The Channel feature on WhatsApp has been officially released to all users around the world, including Indonesia. This feature allows users to follow (follow) or join the desired individual or organizational channel.

WhatsApp Indonesia Public Policy Manager, Esther Samboh said, channel feature or channel is an optional approval-based feature. Users can choose to follow or not a channel in their account.

WhatsApp Channel features provide the ability of organizations or individuals to broadcast one-way. You can update information or content to followers who choose to follow the channel," Esther said in the Press Briefing for the New Launch of WhatsApp, Wednesday, September 13, 2023, quoted by VOI.

So, what are the functions of the Channel feature on WhatsApp? Check out the full information below.

In general, the channel feature on WhatsApp has three functions, including:

As mentioned above, the Channel or Channel feature allows users to get the latest information through the followed channel.

Users have control in checking the type of channel or channel they want to follow. As an illustration, the WhatsApp system provides a preview of the content that has been shared over the past 30 days.

"Users can view the history of the Channel content. There is a preview that can be seen during the last 30 days. Users have controls, whether they want to follow the Channel based on the preview or not," explained Esther.

Users can follow the channel if they are interested in the preview shown. In addition, users can also search for other channels through the search column.

"Users have the freedom to choose channels according to preferences and interests. So, users must follow first. If it's irrelevant, doesn't match, changes in preferences, users can unfollow," Esther said.

The interactions carried out in the Channel feature are one-way in nature. Those who can send messages are only admin accounts. Users or members can only respond in the form of emoji (emoji reactions). Meanwhile, the content format provided can be in the form of text messages, photos, videos, polls (polling), and documents.

"The variety of content that can be seen is photos, videos, documents, and reactions. Its one-way nature makes us unable to comment, but can provide reactions," Esther said.

This interaction restriction aims to maintain the security of user data. Admins and users (members on the Channel) cannot see the phone number and personal information of other users. That way, users will not be contacted by members of the Channel or admin.

The Channel or channel feature on WhatsApp allows users to spread information quickly and massively. If the information shared is important information involving many people, the positive value of this feature will also increase.

Some of the information in question includes information on accidents, traffic information, weather information, up-to-date news and so on. However, not all WhatsApp users can create channels.

Based on Esther's narrative, only individuals and organizations can create channels that partner with Meta (the parent company of WhatsApp).

Certain mitras in collaboration with Meta can create Channels. In the next few months, maybe we will start considering who can create Channels, "said Esther.

That's the information about the Channel feature on WhatsApp. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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