JAKARTA - Circle's stablecoin, USDC, recently launched on two Layer-2 networks, namely Base and Optimism. This allows crypto holders to send USDC from their accounts to one of the two networks.

Coinbase also announced that it has provided USDC transfers to Coinbase's blockchain, Base. Circle collaborates with ecosystem partners to create a mechanism that allows users to exchange the outdated USDC version with a new official version.

Although the Base Coinbase network has been inaugurated since August 9, users initially couldn't send USDC directly from their Circle exchange or account. They had to rely on a bridged version, called the "USDbC," for their US dollar transactions. However, on September 5, the original USDC version was available natively at Base, and Coinbase interface began displaying options for transferring USDC to Base.

However, some decentralized exchanges on the network still use older versions of coins. A number of platforms, such as Uniswap, BaseSwap, Aerodrome, Maverick, and others, still display old contract addresses when users select stablecoins.

USDC On Network Optimism

The launch of the USDC on the Optimism Network is also important. This replaces the USDC.e token previously used on the Optimism network. However, it should be noted that the decentralized exchange (DEX) in Optimism does not seem to have integrated this new version.

Circle states that businesses and institutions can use Circle Account to easily access on/off-ramp to the Mainnet and Base OP. This allows USDC deposits from one chain and USDC withdrawals from other chains at no cost and delays related to coin lockdowns and lockdowns.

Developers can take advantage of this original USDC potential to build with official support from Circle, ensuring long-term stability. Users can also access USDC directly from Coinbase and withdraw it to an EVM-compatible digital wallet, such as Coinbase Wallet.

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