JAKARTA - The current growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is undeniable at this time. Almost all sectors have now integrated their work with Generative AI.
Match Group is no exception. The parent company of Tinder's online dating app is reportedly testing the AI photo selection feature on its dating platform.
Announced during a earnings call on Wednesday, August 2, this AI-backed feature will later view the user's photo album and select the five most representative photos of the user's personality for their dating profile.
"AI has truly inspired our product people across the company, to really think about ways we can create new experiences, but also solve important points about dating pain," said Match Group CEO Bernard Kim.
Furthermore, Kim revealed that the presence of this feature is one way for users who are still not confident or nervous about whether their choice of photo for Tinder's profile is the best or not.
Kim explained that the AI-powered photo selection feature aims to eliminate the struggle to find images and help build profiles that accurately represent users.
"I really think AI can help our users build better profiles in a more efficient way that really shows their personality," he added.
Currently, Match Group is testing its AI-powered photo selection feature which is scheduled to roll out in the coming months to Tinder users.
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