JAKARTA - As promised last month, Telegram's new Stories feature has finally rolled out now, but is only available to Premium users.

"You think I'm going to forget that? There's a + button at the top of your chat list to post Stories. Currently, only Premium users can post Stories," Telegram wrote in a tweet.

You think I'd forget that? There's a + button at the top of your chat list for posts Stories. Recently, only Premium users are able to post Stories.

This feature was first announced last June, at the time Telegram founder Pavel Durov said that the launch of this Stories feature was due to the large number of requests from users.

"For years, our users have asked us to implement Stories on Telegram. Initially, we opposed this because Stories are everywhere. However, Telegram will not be Telegram if we don't listen to our users and don't innovate on existing formats," Durov said at the time.

Based on the demonstrations shared, the way Telegram Stories work is the same as Stories on other platforms, you can create stories, reply and also give reactions. The difference is, only Premium users or people who subscribe can see this feature.

Based on VOI's monitoring, free users may see a new Stories tab when opening the three-line option at the top left of the screen. However, only Premium users can create Stories.

So, if you want to try creating Stories on Telegram, you can pay Telegram subscription fees for IDR 59 thousand per month or IDR 499 thousand per year.

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