Threads, Meta's social media has just arrived in the world which has become a hot public conversation. In less than 24 hours, he already has 30 million registered users.
With Threads, users will get a microblogging experience like Twitter. Visually, Threads is very similar to Elon Musk's social media, despite combining existing Instagram aesthetics.
Threads brought changes to words from Twitter, such as Retweets that became Repost and Tweets called Threads. Likewise users who need Instagram accounts to log in.
After registering, they can choose to follow the same account they follow on Instagram, if they have also joined the new app.
Users can also upload 500 characters of text, while Twitter only has 280 characters. If users want to upload a long tweet, they have to pay for it through the Blue service.
There were also counters who showed the number of likes and replies that a post had received. Threads also offers the ability to share direct posts to Instagram Stories.
However, before plunging into the new social media world, there are several considerations and warnings that must be considered before trying Threads.
1. Delete Threads Account Will Also Delete Instagram
When registering with Threads, users do need an Instagram account. Unfortunately, when you want to delete a Threads account, it is certain that your Instagram account will also be deleted.
Instagram boss Adam Mosseri recently revealed on his Threads account that there is a way to deactivate and hide user accounts by making them private, but not deleting the accounts and content associated with them.
Likewise, when users want to change their account name, they cannot replace it directly in the Threads application, but via Instagram.
2. Beranda Threads Still a mess
Although its parent is Meta, which has long been known as a social media giant, Threads still has problems in its application or bugs.
Some users report the app slowing down and even breaking down when loading posts from their followers. In fact, there is no separator between followers and popular Threads uploads on Beranda.
Jadi, Beranda pada Threads muncul akun-akun lain yang bukan dari pengikut akun pengguna. Terlebih, pengguna belum dapat mengoperasi Threads melalui website. Aplikasi ini baru tersedia untuk perangkat mobile iOS dan Android.
3. Threads Gather A Lot Of Personal Data
The fact this time is quite surprising. The reason is, Threads' privacy policy is designed to collect a lot of sensitive user data.
Such as search history, accurate locations, contacts, search history, as well as health and financial information. Because of this, Threads is not yet available in Europe, which has stricter laws in terms of how companies like Meta handle their customers' personal information.
Meta has long been involved in controversy over how companies handle privacy, data and advertising, as quoted by Slashgear, Friday, July 7.
4. No Keyword Search Feature
Threads does carry the Search feature, but unlike Twitter, it can only be used to search for other usernames.
The search feature on Threads still cannot be used to search for certain keywords or topics within the application.
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