JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemen Kominfo) is encouraging the implementation of 5G telecommunication technology for smart cities in Surakarta to become a reference for implementing 5G technology for smart cities in other regions in Indonesia.
In the Journey to 5G Smart City seminar in Surakarta on July 4, the Director General of Post and Information Technology at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Wayan Toni Supriyanto said he was very optimistic that 5G Smart City technology in Surakarta could also be applied to other cities and districts.
"To the Regional Government, I hope that the Journey to 5G Smart City seminar will be used as a role model or a copy study conducted in the city of Surakarta, so that it can be brought to their respective cities," he said quoting the official Kominfo website.
However, Wajan stated that the implementation of 5G Smart City will definitely be adjusted to the conditions and dynamics in each region. Because, each region must have its own characteristics of resources and advantages.
Because the implementation of 5G Smart City technology will face various problems, the Director General of PPI Kominfo requests that each district and city government develop pentahelix collaboration work.
This collaboration involves the central government and local governments, business people, cellular providers, device vendors, content and application providers, communities and communities as well as academics and universities.
"The form of implementation of a smart city will depend on what issues are to be resolved or to be a top priority. Therefore, collaboration with relevant stakeholders is needed, which is the pentahelix collaboration," he said.
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