JAKARTA An annual global survey conducted by Lenovo entitled "Lenovo Global Study of CIOs" reveals, despite the economic challenges and challenges of the information technology budget, the World's Chief Information Officer (CIO) is optimistic about the power of technology in providing value to their organization.

However, despite their optimism, the risk of technology is also real, as 83 percent of CIO admits they are worried that the budget will not be enough to invest properly in digital innovation and transformation, and nearly half of it is 48 percent CIO saying they are 'in fact' or very worried.

The second edition of the annual report from the Lenovo Global Study of CIOs also found that CIOs (48 percent) are more likely to prioritize innovation in new technologies than optimizing the technology that is currently being used.

CIO's work is increasingly demanding, and from the findings it shows that as a result, they are taking an increasing risk. The more complex the tech landscape is, the more challenging it is for CIO to carry out digital transformation across organizations and prioritize initiatives and investments that will provide results for businesses, said President of Lenovo Solutions and Services Group Ken Wong, in a statement received in Jakarta.

Furthermore, the survey also states that to mitigate potential risks, 81 percent of CIO are very focused on ensuring that their technological assets and teams become more agile and resilient.

Therefore, it is not surprising that CIO is turning to an 'as Service' (aaS) offer for their technological assets.

Applying aaS solutions can simplify and optimize everything, allowing information technology leaders to focus on innovation and be more responsive in responding to changes in their organization.

Most (92 percent) CIO are considering adding new aaS solutions into their technological assets over the next two years.

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