JAKARTA - In his remarks at the opening of London Tech Week 2023, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that they are currently committed to making the country the best place in the world for AI technology.
"And if our goal is to make this country the best place in the world for AI technology, this is definitely one of the biggest opportunities in front of us," Sunak said on the Gov UK website.
Not only that, Sunak also said that Google chose to unite its entire AI division under the leadership of a British, Demis Hassabis at Google Deepmind.
Amid the debate between the negative and positive impacts generated by the rapid advancement of AI technology, the UK PM said AI development should also be followed by AI security.
"The AI reporter warns us of how this technology could undermine our values and freedom to the most extreme risk of all. And that's why leading AI also means leading AI security," he said.
So, the UK is currently building a new partnership between passionate academics, brilliant AI companies, and governments that understand it.
For this reason, the UK calls the AI experts to conduct cutting-edge security research in the UK by disbursing more funds, 100 million pounds.
Sunak also revealed that Britain is currently working with Google DeepMind, OpenAI, and Anthropic frontier labs as part of its mission.
It is unclear how the collaboration between Google, OpenAI, Anthropic and England will take place. To be sure, they will help the government recognize AI opportunities and risks.
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