JAKARTA - Europol, the US Department of Justice, and nine other countries joined the SpecTor operation to arrest 288 drug trafficking suspects on an illegal black market called the Monopoly Market. Crypto is one of the key factors in this arrest.

In an official press release, it was stated that this operation managed to confiscate more than 100 types of firearms, 850 kg of drugs, and more than EUR 50.8 million, equivalent to 55.69 million US dollars (equivalent to Rp815 billion) in cash and cryptocurrencies or cryptocurrencies.

Through the use of information obtained from previous operations to close the black market on the dark web and servers seized from the Monopoly Market, SpecTor investigators managed to track down hundreds of dealers and customers involved in illegal activities. The operation also highlights the increasing ability of international law enforcement agents to uncover illegal activities on the dark web, especially those involving cryptocurrency transactions.

According to US Attorney General Total Garland, the operation has resulted in the highest number of arrests and the most funds seized in international action led by the US Department of Justice against drug dealers on the dark web. A crackdown on cryptocurrency transactions and online markets facilitating illegal activities is expected to continue.

It should be noted that cybercrime is increasingly targeting cryptocurrencies because cryptocurrencies are still not fully regulated and decentralized, thus offering attractive opportunities for hackers. Crypto values continue to rise, creating greater incentives for hackers to steal.

The use of cryptocurrency trackers is reportedly used to expand the scope of this kind of operation. By tracking the flow of funds via blockchain, trackers can identify the exchange where illegal drug sales proceeds are converted into cash. The exchange can be requested to provide user data, which assists in identifying the perpetrators of the crime.

The arrests of 288 drug dealers on illegal illicit markets across Europe, the US, and Brazil indicate this operation is a major blow to criminal networks on the dark web. However, investigations to identify other individuals behind dark web accounts are still ongoing.

This condition suggests the possibility of further arrests in the future. Various authorities in several countries hope this operation will be effective as a precaution for criminals on the black market and prevent similar illegal activities in the future.

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