JAKARTA - The Turkish Competition Board will investigate the WhatsApp messaging platform. The investigation was carried out in conjunction with an update to the privacy policy that shares WhatsApp user data with Facebook.

"The competition agency has already launched an investigation into Facebook and WhatsApp and suspended requests to share WhatsApp data," the agency said, quoted by Reuters on Tuesday, January 12.

As is known, WhatsApp has announced changes to its privacy policy for its users. One of them is asking the user to agree to the points of sharing user data with Facebook.

Citing statements from the Turkish Presidential Press Bureau and the Turkish Ministry of Defense, they said they moved the group to the BiP application, made by mobile operator Turkcell.

Along with the implementation of this new policy that will apply to WhatsApp users around the world. A spokesperson for Facebook, responding to issues in Turkey, stated that this policy update would not have an impact on privacy on the WhatsApp platform.

According to him, Facebook, as WhatsApp's parent company, is committed to providing a secure and private communication platform for everyone.

Turkey last year passed a law supporting government oversight of foreign companies. Social media organizers are also affected by this rule, including bans and fines.

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