YOGYAKARTA - With the approaching 2023, it's time for us to pay attention to the coming years, and all new updates to the world of social media that it will bring. What do you think the 2023 social media trend will be?

From new platforms to laser focus on authentic and multi-sensory content, everything will feel real (even in the virtual world) as consumers encourage authenticity, community, and immersive experience.

We all know how quickly the landscape changes, so we're here to keep you above all. We outline the six most interesting social media trends that we expect will be big news for brands and businesses in 2023.

Game is a new social media playground

If you've played Candy Crush or Wordle on your daily trips, you're officially a gamer.

While social media platforms are trying and testing advertising platforms, games are offering a pile of exciting new opportunities for brands and businesses by 2023. A number of tech and brand companies are also doubling their investments in gaming.

Netflix will expand its reach, building its first internal video game studio in Helsinki. In addition, luxury fashion homes continue to use games as a means of community engagement and to bridge the gap between virtual reality and IRL.

The gaming industry is estimated to be worth around $200.8 billion, with in-game advertising estimated at $17.6 million by 2023. This is a world that thrives in social interactions, and has not been used relatively in terms of marketing. Could 2023 be a year for your brand to try out gaming power?

Content into full screen

While the TikTok astronomy boom is nothing new, its influence on the way other social media platforms operate will continue. Hope to see more of the 9:16 content (it's vertically full screen) that you will receive.

While it's no surprise that Instagram is following in TikTok's footsteps in this regard, now YouTube and Facebook are doing the same. Vertical videos on Facebook have a 90% higher completion rate than horizontal videos and YouTube is piloting a new feature that reforms video ads into vertical playback.

The more platforms that support this aspect ratio, the same content can be reused for a wider range. Turning will give you more advantages.

kelian juara BeReal & Instagram Candid Challenges

BeReal changed the game in 2022 with increased focus on authenticity. When launched in 2020, the app really took off last year and has marked a new era of aesthetics that support current and real documentation rather than polished and curated content.

Unlaunched Instagram Candid will immediately send a random notification to users and will request multiple camera photos. And it looks like Instagram isn't the only police here.

TikTok Now will send a similar notification, but it will also support the video.

What does this mean to you? Think about releasing filter-free photos in the early days of Instagram. Content will continue to be personalized and organic. Reduce large studio photoshoots and choose something a little more authentic.

Detonation in Social Audio

As more and more social media platforms turn to video-based content, and thanks to the boom of gamers around the world, audio roles on social media are changing rapidly.

Facebook has soundbit reaction tools and Twitter has voice tweets and Twitter Spaces. LinkedIn has Audio Events. It's time to create a social media strategy that takes advantage of social audio power in 2022!

Feeling brave? Go to the Metaverse and experiment with audio marketing for your brand. Want to start small? Increase your Instagram Reels strategy with trending audio to ensure higher engagement and wider range.

Rise of Nano-Influencer and UGC

Talking about rescalement, the rise of nano-influentres (people who have less than 10 thousand followers) and user-made content (UGC) does not slow down.

In fact, nano-influentres have reached 90% of successful influencer marketing campaigns. Seen more credible, they connect your brand with a dedicated audience, provide direct access to your target market. This also means you don't have to spend much money on a single campaign.

User-made content is also something that must be owned. This organic marketing tool creates a direct relationship with real consumers that fosters strong brand relationships that help increase credibility.

Take further steps in 2023 by creating a special UGC campaign that inspires and appreciates your customers for creating content about your brand.

AI takes over Content Making and Analytic Tracking

Let's be clear about what AI means here. It's just software automating certain jobs, such as efficiently compiling social media posts, or uncovering new advertising channels increasing over time due to exposure to more data. As a market, AI is expected to grow by 120 percent per year.

The chances of you already using it, you may not have a definite strategy to implement it. One way you can start bringing AI into your game plan is to help copywriting. You can enter some hints and the AI software will return with the advice of copying.

But remember: AI will never replace the power of personalized authentic content. While this tool can help you come up with new text ideas and beginnings, it will never be able to capture the unique voice and personality of your brand as you would like!

Instead, we suggest using tools (like social starter Plann) to get the best content recommendations, with the ability to customize each post and text to suit your brand and audience.

So after knowing the trend of social media in 2023, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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