YOGYAKARTA In the world of technology, the meaning of ransomware is a virus that infects computers and tends to be detrimental. But the meaning is not that simple. Then, what is ransomware?

Ransomware is a virus that can damage entire computer system files. The use of the term viral is not the same as viruses in the world of medicine or biology. In the world of technology, ransomware is an evil program that when the program reaches a person's computer is able to destroy, block, or confiscate access to important data or systems.

In its development, ransomware is associated with criminal activity because this malicious program is deliberately targeted at certain individuals or parties so that ransomware creators get access to an effective PC. There are even those who deliberately ask for financial ransom so that the owner can get access again to PCs that have been infected with ransomware.

In general, the way ransomware works is by encryption methods, namely processing data into a code that causes the device to not be able to read. As a result, victims cannot access the data previously on their device. New access can be returned when the data that is changed to code is returned to its original form so that it can be read by the device.

Ransomware can infect the computer without the owner's knowledge. Usually, the virus will log in via SMB File Protocol/SMB Server, IIS Web Server. The virus can also enter when the user is consciously or does not open files containing the ransomware.

The virus can also log in via servers connected to the internet and then spread to the computer system until it quickly locks entire files. The virus usually targets databases and server files with the aim of crippling the system.

Ransomware infections do not directly attack the system. In general, there are seven stages that are passed, namely as follows.

Until now, ransomware has several types and all of them must be watched out for. The type of ransomware is as follows.

The encryption ransomware virus is very popular because it often attacks computers. This malware will attack important files ranging from documents, images, even videos.

This virus will lock the main screen of infected devices. Locking the screen certainly makes device users having problems accessing their computers.

This type of virus will attack server stability, especially servers that have weak CMS. The virus will encrypt important data on the website page. As a result, the admin cannot access files because they are damaged.

Master Boot Record or MBR ransomware is a virus that attacks computer hard drives by encrypting thoroughly so that it will interfere with the booting process.

This virus targets mobile devices. Although there are not many cases, this virus is quite detrimental to cell phone owners considering that many people store personal and important data on their cellphones.

Taking precautions against ransomware infections is very important to know because it is related to data security. Several ways to prevent ransomware are as follows.

Apart from knowing how to prevent, you must also know how to clean the ransomware that has already infected your device, which is as follows.

That's information related to what ransomware is. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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