Scientists Says AI Is Claimed To End Human Society
Super-sophisticated AI threats are the most common anxiety for humans. (photo: Andrea De Santis/Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Artificial Intelligence (AI) which is supposed to be able to ease human work, is actually claimed to be able to destroy mankind according to scientists.

DeepMind senior scientist Marcus Hutter and Oxford researchers Michael Cohen and Michael Osborne conclude in a paper published in AI Magazine and say humans may actually become extinct because of AI.

Scientists say, machines will eventually be made to break the rules or cheat set by the maker, in order to compete for resources or energy that can harm humanity.

"Under the conditions we have identified, our conclusion is much stronger than in previous publications, existential catastrophe is not only possible, but likely," Cohen tweeted earlier this month.

Ohen said, in a world with unlimited resources, he was very unsure about what would happen. In a world with limited resources, there is unavoidable competition for these resources.

"And if you're in competition with something capable of tricking you at every turn, then you shouldn't expect to win. And another important part is that he'll have an insatiable appetite for more energy to keep pushing the odds closer and closer. ," Cohen said in an interview with Vice International.

Scientists argue that humanity can face catastrophe in the form of disgruntled agents, and view them as obstacles.

According to journalist of Vice International, one good way for agents to maintain long-term control over their rewards is to eliminate potential threats, and use all available energy to secure their computers.

Unfortunately, scientists say there isn't much that can be done to prevent it. In response to these threats, mankind should be more careful and slow in developing their AI technology. Even a fairly advanced artificial agency is likely to intervene in the provision of information, as well as wreak havoc on humanity.

The threat of super-sophisticated AI is becoming the most common anxiety for humans. The fear that artificial intelligence will wipe out humanity sounds a lot like the fear of alien life.

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