JAKARTA - Google Maps is indeed a late choice as your travel companion anywhere and anytime. In addition to displaying directions, there are many features in it.
This time, Google added three new features in Google Maps that will help you in planning future trips.
The first feature is the Street View view which has a more impressive view of the 100 most popular landmarks in the world such as Barcelona, London, New York, San Francisco, and Tokyo.
To see this 360-degree Street View, you simply open Google Maps and enter the landmark of your choice, for example the Empire State Building in New York > Go to the Photos tab > swipe sideways until you find Street View 360°.
The second feature is the addition of new route options for cyclists. On Google Maps you can now see a selection of route options that you can take when riding a bicycle.
Each of these options will be accompanied by travel notes such as heavy car traffic conditions, stairs, or steep hills.
But unfortunately, this feature is not available in Indonesia. Based on VOI's monitoring today, when you enter your destination on Google Maps that is still located in Indonesia, the route options for cyclists do not appear.
The last feature added by Google is that you can share your latest location with your friends or family.
So, if they've chosen to share their location with you, you can set up notifications for the address of that person's location so you can see when they arrive at that location.
Apart from that, you can also set notifications to see when they leave the premises just in case you get separated. This feature is perfect for providing immediate information to those closest to you if something bad happens to you.
You don't have to worry about other people following you all the time, because you are in complete control of sharing your location on Google Maps. You can choose to stop sharing your location or block someone from setting notifications at all.
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