JAKARTA – Russian troops are reported to have used a drone attack disruptor called Stupor. The device is a handheld electromagnetic barrage technology that has been used to ward off Ukrainian drones.

Previously, Russia successfully tested its Stupor against a Ukrainian drone, the TASS news agency reported. The trials are part of an effort against the real enemy.

According to a Russia Today's report, Stupor is an electromagnetic projector aimed at interfering with drone communications with its operators. This could disrupt the mission of the targeted aircraft by making it unable to receive orders or transmit intelligence back. The drone may fall to the ground or be hijacked afterwards.

A robotics research center of the Russian Ministry of Defense presented the device during an arms exhibition in 2017. The futuristic-looking device is effective at a distance of up to 2 km, as long as the target is not obstructed.

Furthermore, TASS later reported that it was unable to find out where the device was tested, while the sources it obtained only stated that the test was carried out in the western part of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Furthermore, Russia Today, spoke with Stupor electromagnetic weapons designer, Dmitry Klochko, who stated that his company had delivered a total of 10 anti-drone weapons to the Donbass militia. He said some of them were gifts while others were sponsored by private donors. "The response has been quite positive," he said.

Furthermore, Klochko admitted that he had accepted Stupor's request for the Russian military. When Russia sent troops to Syria, they reportedly also used Stupor to kill drones used by Syrian militants fighting Russian forces.

In May, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov claimed that an anti-drone laser weapon had been field-tested against Ukraine. He said the Stupor was nicknamed Zadira which in Russian means "Troublemaker". However, Borisov did not provide more detailed information regarding the electromagnetic interference device.

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